Today, when I was chatting with my friend, I heard a song recommended from my brother:我会
想念你 张震岳.It reminds me of my secondary school life...... It reminded me of my friends, a few great teachers whom I didnt get in time to thanks them, my childish juniors, the dirty toilets in school, the laboratory, basketball court, where I had forced some of my friends to eat basketball (just kidding), scout dent, CLHS dragon boat team and all the good and memorable things I have done in school........ How to say this "FEELING".....erm... It's quite sad for unable to go back to that type of life.....but at the same time, I'm quite happy that I didn't let my secondary school life just past away with books, at least there is still friends and memories that I can recount on, when I heard this song......I don't like this feeling, but it's inavoidable, human being is borned with feelings. Want to hear this song? A song that rediscovered my memories in high school....Try it and you might find yours too!!