Since the beginning of this blog, I've been using the same camera. I still remember the 1st day I held her in my palms....... The first ever camera I bought using my own money...... money that I kept for a long time.
I don't really like the brand -
BenQ (I bet some of you will be scratching your head)
It's a Taiwanese brand and don't really have a high reputation in Malaysia. I bought it because of its
PRICE (this is the main thing a Penangite would look for first, whenever they're buying something...haha). It's the cheapest camera in the entire fair. At first, I don't really feel using it.... But, as time past, I'm literally sticked to it. (what to do? Can't afford an expensive one, have to cope with a cheap one looor)Whenever, there's a trip, birthday party, any special events, a big one, a minor one.... anything, I will bring her along. She's just like my wife....haha
But, she died 2 daysw ago. She rolled down a hill...from my palms..... She left just like how she comes.
So......So......S...O ~ ~..... ????
I officially announce that the owner of this blog (ME laa....stew~) is back to the status of being a boyish, naughty, mature, reliable, dependable, skilled, reputable, sizzling hot single bachelor! Oopsss....
(recently a bit perasaan...haha)
I'll miss you, my dear camera.
Just THAT!
p/s: the last series of random photos is the last contribution of camera....sometimes, it's faith....
This means my blog will have less photo or none untill I get another new wife...Tata~