Saturday, April 5, 2014

Life is

If I ever reborn as a human,
I want to be a Thai!
Be it a "Boo Cshai"(boy) or a "Shao"(girl),
I want to be Thai.

Because the advertisements they made are too great.
I won't be taking anything but advertisement producing.

Their ads are always so effective.
Be it a sad, happy, funny, touching, nonsensical....
they always deliver what they want to deliver,
sometimes more.

Just like their recent ad.
Using a technique which can be no more common,
they not only remind the audiences about their product,
but life as well.

Life's so shitty,
So... so shitty that you start
to imagine 'shit' actually taste better in real life.
and it's better to eat shit than
live a shitty life....?
Well... maybe not. *chuckles*

Everyone has their own therapy
on how to make yourself feel better
whenever life gives them lemon shit.

Mine is lay down  flat
Facing the sky,
preferably a blue azure one.
Do, not a thing,
just stay still and of course,

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