Friday, January 21, 2011

random stuffs

Thanks to the 'awesome' weather, with rain continuously for 4 days, my journey in the farm has come to an end. =(
Hmm... I think it's time to settle my enrolment for new semester and ready for my Gold Coast trip. And of course, this post will be a wrap up for my farming experience.

I would say that working in a farm is not hard, just tiring. Everyday, you have to reach the farm by 7.30am, and in my case, I would wake up around 5.30am, dilly-dally for a while, take some brekkie and cook my lunch. Normally, I would be out by 0700, because it takes at least 30 minutes to reach the farm by driving, and thank God, it's summer!!! If not, I think I would take 1 hour to toss and turn on my bed, another 1 hour to flip and flap on my bed, 1 hour to dilly-dally here and there..... and finally slack back to my comfy bed. XD

There's no photos of me working in the farm... *sob-sob* The rain came in too sudden, and it's already my last day in the farm before I knew it. =( However, one of the great advantage of working as cherries picker is you get to eat as much cherries as you want. Of course, there's no reason for me not to 'tapao' some back. haha.... shhh.....

It's heavenly great when you freeze up some cherries and eat them while you're watching movies or reading books, or even gossiping with your friends in the middle of the night. They tasted just like slushies in the shop!! Gosh~ I think I'm addicted to them, haha....
They contain heaps of:
-Vitamin C
-Vitamin A
-Ellagic acid (a kind of antioxidant)
-Perilly (alble to arrest tumour cells)
-Anthocyanins (another powerful antioxidants)
-Melatonin (another antioxidant) and many more good stuffs.
But, be careful with the sugar level.... You won't want to end up with too much glucose either. *All these are info from the web*

Steps to a successful cherry jam making:
(kononnya) =___=

First, smuggle some cherries from the farm buy some fresh cherries and wash them thoroughly.

Second, de-stone and de-stem the cherries. Or should I say,
"buang batang dan bijik cherri"? a.k.a. castrate the cherries XP

太监的都挂在墙上,樱桃的则留在盘中 。。。erbs~

Kitchen homicide? =O

*Back to the topic*
-Heat up the castrated processed cherries until it boils,
-Bring down the heat and let it simmer till they're soft and mushy.
-Cool them down and put them into a blender and blend till the flesh and skin of the cherries are squashed till unrecognisable *KEJAM nyer~*
-Pour them back into the pot and bring it to the same simmering as before.
-Put in as little or as much sugar as you like. In my case, I only put in 3 tablespoon of sugar.

"OMG!!! 3 tablespoon of sugar for 1.5kg of cherries?"
"What to do?... I've to jaga badan mah~" haha.... duh~ XP

- Actually I notice that you don't really need much sugar for this jam. The natural glucose content in the cherries is more than enough.
- Before switching off the stove, *optional*
-add in a few tablespoon of lemon juice (to add a zesty flavour to the jam)
-mix in a tablespoon of cornflour (to thicken up the jam)

Song Song's homdemade cherry jam!!!

My housemate's homemade pancake with my jam... haha! YUM!

It tastes so good until you can dig out a full ladle of the jam
and eat it just like that!


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