Thursday, May 30, 2013

Love from home 家里来的爱

After five days of insufficient sleep, I'm done with my design submission...

After getting a POWER sleep, this parcel arrived at my door step....
So surprised and touched!

Can feel the LOVE!!! Even before I open it!!!

The sticker by POS Malaysia

International POST tagged by Australia 

SONG SONG SONG so so song ahh! hahaha...

FRAGILE!!! *my bro's handwriting*

Where the love comes from

always feel that my bro's hand writing 
haven't changed a bit since primary/secondary school =D

Malaysian instant noodles! wheee!

giant cleaver!!!! haha...
the reason my mum sent this is that Aussies don't use cleaver much, so it's sold at a price few times more expensive compared to the one back home.

one of the parcels : All sorts of Malaysian cooking paste!!!

Seafood curry paste aka gulai paste

Laksa!!! Wheeee!

Curry chicken! Damn!

I always  feel that different countries produce different coffee.
The one in Aussie is slightly more acidic and
normally wouldn't taste nice if you put a second shot of water through.
The one in Vietnam is more buttery and stronger,
The one back home is the still DA BEST!!!
Not too acidic nor buttery.
and can bancuh many many times!

rendang paste ade jugak!

some cutting blade! coz it's damn too expensive here.

BTW, my parcels have been opened, not surprised at all.

The letter saying that nothing has been removed.
But, they poked a needle-size hole on a packet of curry paste.... and it leaked
toally WTF~
if you poked a hole, please at least seal it back lah!

tried it this morning... not too shabby.
But still love my kopi-O kau kau...haha
ooopsss... 原来开心是有价的。



Vachel said...

来自家里的爱,是无价的!! =P

Song said...
