Last weekend, the summer camp organized by OUR Club (the JPA club) which I have been waiting for ages and ages and ages and ages..........and seemed will not be successful.... FINALY CAME!!! On 1st of May, which is the Labour Day, at around 2.30 p.m. , we departed from KBU towards our destination - Dusun Eco Resort, which is just an hour hour journey.(I noticed that all the buses we rent were labelled with LIM KOK WING UNIVERSITY....sweat (-__-lll)
When we reached there we had some ice-breaking games and divied into different groups. My group is called 'Jingle Bell' (perhaps the one who thought of this song is too desperate to get another Christmas present?) Later, we were separated into different dormitories...I stay with Leong, Jun Kai, SJ, 小弟, Nabil, Hazman, Ah Beng, Jinn Jyh, Daniel, Aizat and Darwin. 
Our room (saw my bottle?)
The first day of the camp was quite boring because basically the programmes are dinner and a small game called 'BLIND NIGHT'. It sounds interesting, but it turned out to be quite boring. I'm quite disappointed with the first night because we were asked to go to bed at around 10.00 pm. YES!! It's 10 pm!!! It's a bit akward because a camp should be hectic, energy-draining and at the same time, interesting and unforgetable. Therefore, all of us went for swimming at around 10.15 pm!!! YES!!!
There was a pool infront of the cateen, which was quite big but a bit shallow. The water was damn cold but we enjoyed it pretty much!!! CRAZY BUNCH OF STUDENTS!! (including me..hehe)
On the next day, the programme was obviusly more packed than the first day. We went jungle trekking and afterthat, we had a sharing session with an ex-Petronas sponsored student.
Before we went into the jungle!! (Zhaf sure seemed to be very excited)
Small group photo
Hehe....I like Ah Beng's expression XD
I still prefer Ah Beng's facial expression...looked like..erm.... monkey?
Ne-! Lolipop and touge (Me & Aizat)
Me and Daniel
This is the freakiest one.....
There is a 'third eye' in the photo and bloody tear was trickling down....
We asked him about his university life in Australia and all sorts of minor and major things. Later, we went for the hanging bridge which is just a few steps from our dorm. The brige-crossing session took us the whole evening. The AJK were quite worried that we could not finish everything by dark. But, everyone still managed to have their chance to cross it.
Go Leong!! GO Indera!!!
People queueing....
Daniel posing before he crossed
Nicholas sure know how to pose....XP
I'm a ROCK star!!
Later, we went to the pool AGAIN!!!
游泳! 游泳!! 游泳!!!
I played rugby with a group of Malay friends in the water and it was more fun than I thought it would be. It's so rough and crazy...once a person get a ball ,the rest will rush towards him like a group of ladies who saw a notice of "SHOP FOR FREE!!!! IT's SO CRAZY!!!!". Eveyone was rushing like mad...haha... But, I do really had a great time with them. Sometimes, it just need a few bruises and some violence to make the whole game INTERSTING!!! (oopps.....I sound abit gila.. XP)
After we had a good match, the Malay had to go for prayers and I also went back and wait for the so-called-campfire-night to begin. We had a barbeque dinner which the food was prepared before hand by the canteen. Then, there was different performances from different groups.
Mr. Al looked a bit emo (is that Mud beside him? what's he doing?)
From left: Gary, Daniel, Meng Cai and me singing..the mic was not functioning.
(the song was composed by Daniel and the lyrics was written by another 2 friends and me)
There were other breath-taking performances too. But, my camera was just too full to accept more. aikxx!!! (>_<)
On the last day, we went for obstacle challenges and flying fox. The obstacle challenges and flying fox were quite fun, just that it's too short.
SJ and Me before it's our turn
We shouted like mad to heat up the's boring to see everyone fly downwithout any reaction....haha
Then, we had our tea and it's the EXPLORACE!!! I don't have the picture of the race (perhaps I will upload it when I get it)My team got the third place!!! Way to go!!! JINGLE BELL!!!
After the game, we packed our things and ready to go BACK!!!
While waiting for the truck which was supposed to fetch us down the hill, I caught some interesting posers.
A weird pose from Ms. Effa, our Applicable Math lecturer
....I have been waiting since......
The lonely couple.....abandoned
Atiqah : Later want to go One-U shopping?
Jihah : WANT!!! I can't wait any longer!!!
Syireen : I have not touched the price tags for 216000 seconds!!!!
Atiqah : DEAL!!
On the way back, I took the last bus. It's so empty until almost everyone was able to have two seats. We reached our hostel at around 5.30 pm.
This camp was fun and I manage to relax myself. Although everything seemed not going to run smooth in the beginning, the AJK still made it a success. It's going to be part of our best memories in KBU. I would like to rate the first night -10/100, second day 95/100, third day 95/100
For those who didn't attend.....I can only say
"I sympathize you all."
For those who really can't attend it, I have nothing to say.
But, for those who gave all the excuses to not attend.......
Try to enjoy and relax yourself and appreciate the environment
even your heart miss a beat when you are walking on a hanging bridge.
A candid shot by Nicholas.
no wonder la..havin fun again wit frens red beg..i fink i saw it b4..shenQ's
haha...why no wonder? don't know meh? we have the same bag...haha
what to do leh? we are having the same mother...
Saw ur 'mei tui' as well..
【song】erbs..yaya..u all havin a same mother..both attitude oso very erbs
to SW: haha...swt (__ ___lll) Franky's legs are far far far far.....more fairer than can ask anyone that saw it before...tak tipu
to Bear Bear:haha...this is what we call TWINS!!
Yeah,I noticed that when we were doing the doc thingy...they're just like 'bak zham gai'...
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