Saturday, April 16, 2011

hmm...I need some spice

Even though life's been busier than before,
but I just still feel that I need a pinch of spice......
spice into my life, star anise, chinese 五香粉,cinnamon sticks, garlic, dried chillies ....
and reduce on sugar intake.

For the past few weeks, I have been high on chocolate, ice cream..... etc.
but I tak mau diabetes
and spare tyres
haha..... XP

Another random post....

One of the drawings I did in the drawing class.
A1 size, done within 5 minutes with red and black ink 
(so you can imagine the quality of it) 
my friends called it "血洗赤壁 - Walls-of-after-war"
I call it "Chocolate in Cherry Dipping Sauce" ...... erbs~


Vachel said...

wow new watch? not bad wor ^^

Song said...

haha... nolarr繁,it's an old watch, can see the marking at the side faded off if u observe closely. XD