Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend wayang kulit

The weather's turning colder and colder this few days.... urghh~ not anticipating the winter AT ALL.

By the way, had a wayang kulit show at the Queen Victoria museum this afternoon.
and.... how should I put this ehh?...ermmm....
It reminded me the cultural stuffs in Malaysia. It's such a shame that we  have never really look into each others' culture despite living in a country which has a rich ethnicity and cultural background.

Basically, the wayang kulit tells about a prince trying to save the princess and of course, with ultraman-beating-monster kind of arrangement (means typical arrangement lah). Out of 100%, I only manage to comprehend like 5% of the entire shadow puppet show. When the puppeteer starts singing, the only thing I could do is stare at the screen....haha. Knowing Bahasa only help when the performers announce the song title eg. 'Mimpi" etc, and when they conversed in English. But I still enjoy it pretty much, just like the local school kids beside me.

In a way, it brought me back to my childhood, where my grandpa and aunties walked us to a field near my old house to watch a Chinese opera (not HK Soap Opera!). Each and everyone of us will be holding tightly to our very own 'bangku' (small chair),  as if we wil never live missing the show.
But, I don't think family nowadays still doing it. =(

Okay, back to the 'wayang kulit' case.
The play was made up from a combination of local Tasmanians, Indonesian PR and students. That's my first time seeing an AngMo playing sets of gong! and of course, my very first time enjoying a live shadow puppet show.
When I was small, I use to have nightmare with the Chinese puppet show.... maybe too much of horror movie like 'Child's Play'.

Regret of the day : 
Penang CNY Street festival 2012 庙会 - backstage of the Chinese opera


But, at least I got a small part of the show on my not-so-smart nokia XD


Vachel said...

U left ur camera there?
Owhhhhhh now I will just feel the dong dong chiang behund my hse so annoying XD

p.s remove the word recognition for comment la, damn annoying XD

Song said...

haha.... I forgot to bring it to the show, so no photos for this post. =S

haha... only take afew seconds nia mah