Friday, July 18, 2008


昨天,我们一组八人(exceptAinin)到"Mr.凹" 的网站看Malaysian Study要选什么题目。以下就是:

1.May 13 1969 tragedy: A research on its incidents. (挖老A.....Mr.凹才刚刚教而已.OUT!!!)
2.Struggle For Independence in Perak, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan(显nia...明明就是历史!OUT!!!)
3.Elaborate the Concept of Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy system in Malaysia.(还OK咯。。但是不是第一选择)OUT!!!
4.MSC:the Concept of Mega Infrastructures and its implementation(没兴趣..OUT!!
5.Constitution is the highest law in this country. Elaborate the main articles in the Constitution.(没兴趣..OUT!!)
6.Struggle for independence in Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and Perak. (显nia...明明就是历史!OUT!!!)
7.Discuss on the Election System in Malaysia. (感觉来了。。但不是很强OUT!!!)
8.Malaysia has achieved its target by following the national policies. Discuss.( 没兴趣..OUT!!
9.Japanese Occupation in Malaya: Focus on factors & effects. (显nia...明明就是历史!OUT!!!)
10.State and elaborate the chronological of colonization in Malaya since 1511-1641(显nia...明明就是历史!OUT!!!)
11.I.S.A: A research of its relevance.(很敏感勒!OUT!!!)
12.Multi Racial Ehtnics and National Integration.How to maintain the stability among all races.(显nia...来来去去都一样的OUT!!!!)
13.Malaysian Dilemma after the 12th General Election 2008.(你说呢?HAHAhaha!)
14.Tun Dr Mahathir: A Critical review of the Father of Modernization(显nia...来来去去都一样的OUT!!!!)
15.A biography of Tun Tan Cheng Lock. (walaulao......IT's ALL ABOUT HISTORY...XO)


Malaysian Dilemma after the 12th General Election 2008.(蛮敏感一下 (X_X)但是我们是de factorTEAM....haha(U!不要暗笑!)

oklah,jokes over.其实我还蛮担心的,因为如果我们飞不上枝头----就是摔死!

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